“…God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” I John 1:5
Sometimes life throws us some curves and presents hardships. But when we pull through those hard times, that’s when we find out what we’re made of! That’s when we realize we have more inside us than we thought we did! We may not always realize it as believers, but we should remember where our strength comes from. It comes from the God who made heaven and earth! He is the God who lives in us, the One who is always there, even when we don’t see or feel Him!
The Bible teaches us that God is light! No matter how dark life gets, there isn’t enough darkness that can extinguish the light of God in us! We have a light inside that those without Christ don’t know about. That Hope is a light in the darkness, a lamp to our feet. It’s also a spark of strength that ignites when our strength is gone. We live in a dark, fallen world, and it’s in dark times like we’re seeing now when we need His light, and we need to know where to find it!
It begins by looking into the Word of God. When we open God’s Word, we are opening ourselves to the voice of God. The Spirit of God reveals its depths and tells us who we are in Christ, what we have in Christ, all we can do in Christ, and where we are seated in Christ. The Word of God acts like a mirror that reveals the image of God in us! It reveals the new creation God has made us to be, and the life and nature of God in us. Jesus called it, “Eternal Life.”
When we take time to read the scriptures and meditate on the Truths of the Bible, we begin to understand how GOOD God is, that He is Love, and in Him is no hatred at all. He is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. When He speaks, He speaks THE truth, and His Truth is Pure Light!
Light and Love are what God is made of and when we became His children, we were born of that same LIFE, that same LIGHT, and that same LOVE! That’s what Jesus came to give us, and when we open the Bible and drink in these truths that tell us who we are, what we have, and all we can do in Christ, we begin to understand that “…greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.” (I John 4:4)
So, next time life throws some hardship our way, we can be confident knowing that we are made of what Jesus is made of, and even if the worst happens there is resurrection life and power in us that will carry us THROUGH the valley and bring us to the banquet table He has prepared for us so we can feast in the presence of our enemies!
With Love,
Pastor Tom