“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.” Eph. 6:1-3
Have you ever wondered why God attached a promise to this commandment, and not the first commandment, which is to “Love the Lord your God…?” I believe it’s because God places an extremely high priority on the unity of the family! Obedience is a form of honor. Honoring the Commandment brings blessing. I also believe it’s because of the intrinsic power of family unity, which God designed to multiply His power and blessing in the earth! Proverbs 1: 8-9 says, “My son, hear the instruction of your father, And do not forsake the law of your mother; For they will be a graceful ornament on your head, And chains about your neck.”
By the way, this leaves no one out! Many did not grow up in good family situations. Some grew up in poor, dysfunctional, or turbulent families, and still others grew up in good families, and some had no family at all. But notice in verse 1, where it says, “…obey your parents in the Lord…” That could refer to the spiritual parents God brought into our lives to provide the care we needed, and may not have had before. When we were born again, in the scheme of all eternity, whatever family we had, good or bad, it cannot compare with the family we have now! Our Father is a magnificent and loving Father! And we were born into His family, The Family of God! As we live according to His design, we will experience the power of His presence and blessing. That is the power of unity and the grace to which He called us all!
As we learn from those who have gone before us, those who stood through difficult times, those who struggled with all the usual maladies and temptations present in a fallen world, we can understand, through their witness and testimony, that the Word of God will cause us to stand also. Obeying our parents in the Lord brings the fulfillment of promises we could not have experienced otherwise, because God is one with His Word and His promises.
Unity is a mighty force and brings supernatural power into our lives!
“My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
Bind them continually upon your heart; Tie them around your neck. When you roam, they will lead you. When you sleep, they will keep you; And when you awake, they will speak with you.” Proverbs 6:20-22
With Love,
Pastor Tom