“…let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with
patience the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

The Apostle Paul called our Christianity a race! He didn’t compare it to a race. He called it A
RACE! Very seldom do we regard our Christianity to be an actual RACE. But think about it; if we
approached each day of our life that way, we would be far more prepared and equipped than
probably 99% of the Church, who are still waiting around for God to show them a SIGN or move
them in such a way as to make them do something! Well, God doesn’t make us do anything.
Instead, He gave us His Word and said, “Do it, and I’ll back you up.”

Our walk of faith very simply, is taking God at His Word and running with it! That is what Paul
did! And we can’t do that if we’re weighed down with weights and sins! We know what Paul is
saying here, but let’s look at what Paul isn’t saying! He isn’t say that God will take these weights
from us, nor does it suggest that He will remove those sins that beset us someday when we’re
good enough! No, he told US to lay them aside! When we stand up and shake them off, He
stands up with us. When we resist the devil, Jesus resists him with us! When we choose to lay
them aside by faith, He is pleased to respond to our faith! Then the burdens are removed, and
the yokes are destroyed!

If you’re tired of getting nowhere faster than ever before, change your approach! Look at it as if
you’re in a race! Look at the remaining years you have in the earth and that you’re a contestant
in the most important event in history! Listen to your Coach and Trainer, He is always looking
to bring out the best in you! That’s who the Holy Spirit is! He’s your Trainer and Coach! Expect
His instruction, Expect Him to work with you and help you build your endurance. Let Him
reveal the Word to you, and help you build yourself up on your faith, praying in the Holy Spirit!
Athletes have goals to be nothing less than the very best in their chosen endeavor. It’s amazing
how efficient and powerful we are when we lay aside the weights and hindrances of sins and
distractions that slow us down, burden our hearts, diminish our hope and muzzle our faith!
We’re not only running our race to be the best we can be, but we’re running to set the mark for
all who follow the light of our example! Yes, we want to leave our mark, but it’s only so we can
hand the baton to those who follow! Those who can bring what we ran with to an even higher
level! That is what glorifies Jesus as we run with the Light of Truth! That’s when winning
becomes a habit, and the habit of losing will simply evaporate! We can run the race! And we can
run it with endurance and consistency knowing that our example will be something others can
pick up and run with! IT IS A RACE! And we know it’s ours to take!

With Love,
Pastor Tom