“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;” 1 Timothy 6:17

There is a phrase that we often hear in the aftermath of a human failure. And it’s a phrase that is usually spoken as a too late observation; yet, it carries a message that should impact us before tragedies occur. That is the Phrase: “Everyone has their breaking point.”

There is only one person in 6,000 years of human history who never reached that proverbial breaking point. He never succumbed to any temptation, test, or trial. He was never bested by any one philosopher or Pharisee. He never froze with fear. He never displayed a prideful attitude. He never took credit for any miracle He performed, or any sermon He ever delivered. He always showed those who accused Him of their error by simply stating Truth. He never violated any of the principles He taught. He always brought peace to the chaotic life of man in a fallen world. And He became the example, and the very answer to the question; “What is life all about?”

He lived to please only One, His Father. He gave all His heart, soul, mind, and strength to serve Him. And when His journey turned toward the Cross, knowing and accepting the fact that He was about to fulfill the role that so graphically portrayed His mission; He became the Passover Lamb that would break the power of death for all who would believe in Him, release them from the slavery of sin’s bondage, and give them eternal life!

A hundred years from now, most everyone who has read this will have left this world for an eternity that will have no end. The One who lived, died, and rose again has prepared a place for His own. He gives the TRUE RICHES, that only those who live by faith, and walk in love can be entrusted to steward. Those riches are the empowerments that calm storms and bring healing to a hurting humanity.

Have you reached a breaking point yet? There is a dying humanity, knowing neither its future, nor has learned from its past, that is steeping in a caldron of new threats every day. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life.” John 10:27-28

Trust is a BIG word. It’s also an open-ended word that never seems to reach a clearly defined end – at least where other people are concerned. So, what solid ground does our trust have to stand on? Who, then, is actually worthy of this kind of trust? That’s a question only you can answer… your eternity depends on it. Can you be honest for a moment? Who is the One who has genuinely earned your trust?

With Love,

Pastor Tom