“Whose adorning let it not be that outward…But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” I Peter 3:3-4

King David had a son named Absalom. He was the finest looking man in all of Israel. He had charm and charisma. When his sister was raped one day by his half-brother, Amnon, Absalom devised a way to take his revenge against Amnon and killed him. He felt that David’s lack of action against Amnon was an abdication of David’s duty and felt there was no justice for his sister. Absalom fled for some years during which time he amassed a great following. Due to his charisma, the people believed his propaganda and joined him in a powerful insurrection against David, his own father. It was in the aftermath of his first battle against David that Absalom met his end. He died fleeing from David’s armies.

By worldly standards Absalom had it all! His charisma attracted the crowds and the people’s hearts, but, as he found out the hard way, charisma without character is self-destructive. As a result, many died – including Absalom.

Compare his story with Joseph. A great injustice was inflicted on him by his own brothers. They sold him into slavery, where he was purchased by Potiphar, where he excelled until Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him. He fled from her whereupon she accused him of rape. Potiphar put two and two together, and had Joseph imprisoned instead of executed. In prison he also excelled. And God gave him a gift of interpreting dreams. Throughout all these ordeals he submitted to God, was accountable to his masters, he was committed, consistent, and represented the faithfulness of a steward in every circumstance he found himself in, honoring God.

Absalom’s charisma attracted people and captured their hearts, but he led them and himself to destruction.

Joseph’s character attracted God, who gifted him with gifts and strategies that led to the unification of his family, and positioned them for the greatest demonstration of God’s faithfulness and power in the history of the world!

With Love,

Pastor Tom