“Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.” Mt. 13:24-25

This was a man who planted good, healthy and productive seed. The work was done and he simply rested in the natural processes that would produce a field of good wheat that would yield a marketable, fruitful wheat harvest. One day his workers came to him and told him about the tares that were showing up throughout his entire crop.

His first words were a good start! He said, “An enemy has done this!” Many Christians believe that when unexpected adversity happens that somehow, it’s God punishing them. Others let their emotions dictate, blame God, and they accept defeat, throw in the towel and quit.

By recognizing the enemy as his problem, he immediately knew how to circumvent the enemy’s plan, preserve his harvest, and deal with the enemy’s sabotage at the proper time – harvest time!

This month our Series Title is: While Men Slept… and we will take a look at the strategies the enemy is using in real time, which will equip us to obtain the harvest we sowed for, and how to stay in the game and whip the enemy every time! “…This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!” I John 5:4

With Love,
Pastor Tom