“And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.” Mark 10:44
The Bible overflows with examples of both godly and ungodly leadership. There were tyrants who ruled by fear, and there were anointed leaders who exemplified godly attributes that instilled a unified loyalty and commitment. Nations prospered and grew strong under godly leadership, or they were weakened and conquered under ungodly leadership.
David was a shepherd when he was a boy who was willing to risk his life to protect his father’s sheep from predators on different occasions. (I Samuel 17:35-36). Because of his shepherd-like heart, he was exalted to the throne of Israel and God called him a man after His own heart. (Acts 13:22; I Samuel 13:14) Why? Because David, like Jesus, was willing to lay his life down for the sheep. King David was a servant to the sheep, and King Saul was a user and an abuser of the sheep.
The paragon of leaders was unquestionably, Jesus. He chose to love, and people responded to His love, which released His anointing to meet their needs whether it was healing, deliverance, or provision… He even protected sinners from unjust judgment, like the woman taken in adultery.
He taught, “Give and it shall be given unto you!” (Luke 6:38) And, following His own teaching, He gave everything He had for all of us, and people are still following Him. His leadership skills are chronicled in the Gospels, the Book of Acts, and they are borne witness to in the lives of the men who wrote the letters of the New Testament.
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) Godly leadership, if anything, is selflessness. It is serving others the way one would like to be served. And, be assured that whatever autonomy in life that we surrender to God, He will resurrect, and He will exalt the one who serves Him by serving others!
“And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.” Mark 10:44
With Love,
Pastor Tom
Kingdom Business is Eternal, as are the rewards that come from God. If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please consider partnering with us in prayer, as the Lord leads you, or in financial support. Please visit our website at www.testamentoflove.org to learn more about this ministry! Luke 6:38