Testament of Love believes, according to Matthew 28:19-20, that all believers are to “…Go into all the world…” When the people begin to see the love that we have for each other and for them, they are more willing to hear the true Gospel message. Effecting our communities and neighborhoods by instilling the positive presence of the love of God can do amazing things!
We currently have teams serving in outreach capacities at PADS in Elgin. We also serve with the Carpentersville Clergy Commission with outreaches in various communities throughout the Village of Carpentersville. These ministries provide opportunities for servant evangelism which is designed to touch the lives of neglected people that Jesus loves. These are people who Jesus identified with and regarded either their neglect or their care, personally He said, “…as you have done to the least of these, My brothers, you have done it to Me.…” When we serve them, we serve Jesus, Himself.
Outreach ministries are powerful when they reach out and offer help to those in need of food, an encouraging word and some friendly help and fellowship. We know we can’t do everything, but we all can do something!
Other Outreach ministries will be developing soon… so stay tuned!