Evening to Morning
A lesson from Genesis shows us that God’s process of days is in reverse to man’s process. From the very first Word of creation God called everything to go from darkness to light! He also created the process of days to go from evening to morning – not morning to evening. Everything God made was designed to go into the light! This shows us that God’s plan for us was, not to go from light into darkness, but from darkness to LIGHT!
Proverbs 4:18 says that “The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.” Let’s not get distracted by the fearful news of these days and shrink back into the darkness of the hour. We have a TREASURE in our earthen vessels – the same spirit of faith that calls light to shine out of the darkness! Jesus said that when we follow Him, we won’t be in darkness, but we’ll have the light of life! When we walk in the light, darkness is a thing of the past because we’re walking with God!
With Love,
Pastor Tom