“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem.” Matthew 2:1
He was a newborn lying in a manger! The night sky was filled with angels declaring His birth to shepherds while they sang, ‘Glory to God!’ They left their flocks to go see Him! Two years later Magi came from the east who traveled hundreds of miles to see Him. They worshipped Him, and opening their treasures, honored the One they knew to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah! Jesus always drew a crowd.
When he was twelve years old, he drew a crowd in the temple. It was a crowd of the greatest rabbis, doctors, and scholars of the law and the prophets in the world! They gathered to hear the young man, who was literally astonishing them with His understanding as He asked them questions and gave them answers (Lk. 2:46-47)!
Later, His miraculous signs and wonders drew thousands from all over the area! They noted that He taught them as One having authority and not like the scribes, who were obviously contrasting them with Jesus as having little or no authority. He wasn’t there to get anything FROM them. He was there to get something TO them! He was there to bring Healing, Deliverance, Provisions, Understanding of the kingdom of God, and ultimately – Salvation.
As the centuries have rolled by, one truth stands out to me at this time of the year more than at other times, and that is this “…the gate is still narrow that leads to life and few there be that find it (Mt.7:14).” There is nothing wrong with crowds. But there is a marked difference between being one of the crowd and being one with Jesus! Yes, Jesus always drew crowds, but the one who pushed through those crowds to touch the hem of His garment; the one who lifted his voice to the Master above the crowd to receive sight; the one who embraced the Master’s message by beating his breast and saying, “Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.” These were the ones who are marked forever in the eternal Word of God who came to simply receive what Jesus came to give.
Let’s keep our anchor of hope in the bedrock of truth this Christmas Season, and truly honor Jesus. Like the Magi, who came a great distance to honor Him, let us also emerge from wherever we are, or come out from behind whatever is holding us back from receiving what He came to give us. Those are the things that have blinded us to the REAL treasure we have in Jesus and the inheritance that is ours in Christ! What is it that is holding you back from receiving everything He came to give you? He didn’t come to get something FROM us. He came to get something a us. He came to give us a NEW LIFE, and a more abundant life! (John 10:10)
With Love,
Pastor Tom