“Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…” Hebrews 3:15
We, as believers, have choices every day, especially when it comes to hearing God and following Him. One thing we need to realize is that, when God speaks to us, we always have the option of either believing Him and heeding His Word, or hardening our hearts. As the above scripture indicates, our own will has a great deal to do with hearing God’s voice. After all, it does say, “…if you will hear His voice…” Hearing God, many times is an act of our will. Ask yourself honestly, “Am I really willing to Hear His Voice today?”
Am I Hearing From God?
The question most believers have is, “How can I be sure I’m hearing from God?” The answer to that question is much simpler than most people think, and the answer comes directly from Jesus!
In John 10, Jesus said four things about Hearing His voice. He said, 1) “My sheep KNOW My voice” (John 10:4). 2) He said, “My sheep HEAR My voice” (John 10:27). 3) He said, “I LEAD them” (John 10:3). 4) And He said, “They FOLLOW Me.” (John 10:4). Based on these words from Jesus, if we are truly His sheep, we should be expecting to hear His voice! We should be anticipating Him to speak to us, and to lead us! The problem never is that God isn’t speaking. The problem is that many aren’t listening. It may be that they aren’t as willing to follow Him as He is to LEAD them? Jesus also said, “…the voice of a stranger, they (My sheep) will not follow”
Jesus is the Good Shepherd
Regardless of where we have been or what our past says about us; Today can be the window to a new future, separating us forever from the entire past – spirit, soul and body! If we WILL hear His voice and follow Him, we can be assured that His Goodness, and amazing Mercies will continue to FOLLOW us! That’s right – FOLLOW US! Erasing our past so beautifully that the enemy won’t even be able to find it anymore! If we will hear His voice and follow Him, He will lead us to the pure, still waters of life and the green pastures of His Grace and Truth!
So, Today, if you will hear His voice, make the right choice Today, and soften your heart and open your mind to the possibilities that can come from nowhere else but God. It’s the safest and most rewarding place to be!
With Love,
Pastor Tom