“Wisdom has built her house,She has hewn out her seven pillars;” Proverbs 9:1
One thing I love about God is that He makes sure everything is complete, finished and abundant for His children. When Adam was created on the sixth day, everything was already prepared for him. The earth was producing food and provisions, water was abundant, and the Garden was filled with beauty and wonder. Everything that Adam needed was waiting for him to care for it. And the One who created it all would teach him the principles, properties and management of creation as He walked with him in the cool of the day! In other words, the house was already built, and its foundational pillars were set. Adam was created and equipped to manage the growth, multiplication and nurture of the earth.
I learned a long time ago, that if I’m not receiving that instruction or experiencing that abundance, it’s not because God is trying to teach me something. It’s simply because I haven’t been following Him and applying Wisdom the way I should be. All of us need continual maintenance and correction without exception. We can never get to the place where we think that we don’t need to hear something over again. We should never adopt that attitude that says, ‘Yeah, I’ve already heard that, I’ve known that for years, or, I’ve already been there, done that, so, what else you got?’ It’s not just knowledge that is important in our faith walk. After all, it is a faith walk, and FAITH DOESN’T COME FROM HAVING HEARD! It comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing! (Romans 10:17)
If we are not walking in that newness of faith, or experiencing that complete peace in our hearts, or His abundance in our lives; if we know we are not experiencing God’s best, we need to understand that God really does desire for us to have better than what we are currently experiencing. By the way, I’m not talking about being financially rich or having an abundance of things. Spiritual prosperity is so much more than having the riches of this world. Peace with God, love for others that overflows from having received God’s love for you, and the assurance that all your needs will be met according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! Now – that’s prosperity! That’s exciting! That’s when we learn that there is no ceiling or limits to God’s best when God is on the throne of our hearts.
Adam and Eve walked out of that “Built House” when they listened to THE liar! But when Jesus came, He opened the front Door to that house again for us to enter in and experience all that God has prepared for us!
Yes, Wisdom has built her house, and Wisdom still calls out to those who desire to know the things that are freely given to us by God! The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of God is still calling… God really does desire for everyone to know Him and fellowship with Him, and the Door to it all is Jesus! Jesus is the Wisdom of God! He is the House that Wisdom has Built for you!
With Love,
Pastor Tom
Kingdom Business is Eternal, as are the rewards that come from God. If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please consider partnering with us in prayer, as the Lord leads you, or in financial support. Please visit our website at www.testamentoflove.org to learn more about this ministry! Luke 6:38